My Motivation

My Motivation
My little Bruce Bug

Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Hunky Husband

I still cannot quite figure out how I got so lucky. My husband is one of the most kind and patient people I have ever met. No exaggeration. My dear Aunt Kathi used to constantly talk to me about choosing a man who was capable of being head over heels in love with me. I heard what she said but I did not truly get it until I fell in love with Eric. Before meeting Eric I had a habit of choosing men that were not, for whatever reason, capable of being in love with me. While I was dating them I thought they were in love with me, but in retrospect they never were. They may have cared for me and even loved me but they were not in love with me. If they had been our relationships would have gone very differently. I hope that makes sense; the difference between loving someone and being in love with someone.

My head is feeling a bit whoozy today, so for sake of keeping things simple I will list everything wonderful about Eric:

- he supports and encourages all of my dreams/goals
- he tells me I am the most beautiful woman in the world, every day.
- he laughs at my jokes even though they are generally not funny.
- he takes care of Bruce whenever he is home because he wants to.
- he buys me pretty things every now and then. Sometimes when we are out shopping I will point out something cute and a week later he brings it home. Usually small things, like a headband or cheap earrings.
- he listens to me and gives more of a response then, "uh-huh."
- he rubs my feet or my back whenever I ask him too, even though I am the massage therapist.
- he always helps me make dinner
- he works out with me, even when he does not want to
- he calls his mother every Sunday
- he gets sad when I am sad and does everything he can to make it better
- when I was sick and pregnant he stopped making himself eggs, which he loves, because he knew the smell would make me throw up
- he doesn't get mad when I snoop through everything possible (emails/bank statements/phone) to find out what he is getting me for my birthday/christmas/easter/valentines day
- he knows Easter is my favorite holiday and last year I was too sick to do anything for him and I was sad. He went out and bought us each a basket and candy and brought it to me while I was laying in bed so I could put together an Easter basket for him.
- he always eats my cooking. Of course he eats everything..but still. Sometimes when I try new things I fail.
- he sings to Bruce
- when I ask him what he wants for his birthday he says,  "I just want you to be happy," even though I am generally happy already.
- he stayed up all night long while I was in labor even though he is basically a zombie when he doesn't get sleep. I told him not to talk to me or hold my hand and he didn't. Even though he wanted to.
- He tells Bruce he has the most beautiful mother in the world.
- He takes me to the craft store all the time, even if we are just going to look around.
- he always helps out at church whenever anyone asks
- he looks just like his mother but acts just like his dad. His dad is hilarious, without meaning to be. I can't stop laughing whenever his dad is around.
- he is incredibly loud. His voice, that is.
- He is the best dad ever to our little Bruce.

I am certain there are a ton more things, but Bruce is waking up from his nap which means my writing time is over. Plus...check out his hair!


  1. Sorry you're feeling whoozy...I blame me and my bright ideas. And I love that he bought you Easter things so you could put a basket together!

  2. Love the hair! I'm glad that you found a good one....or a good one found you. Either way, I'm glad you are happy.

  3. Oh sweet mother of pearl!! This is better than I could have imagined that it would be! Love it.
