My Motivation

My Motivation
My little Bruce Bug

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Observations About Bruce

Several people have asked how Eric and I came up with the name Bruce. We each have different memories (mine is the correct version) of how we came up with the name. I recall Eric suggesting the name before I was pregnant and my response was, "" However, after watching Batman Begins (Bruce Wayne) and realizing that Bruce Willis first name is Bruce (I've always loved me some Bruce Willis. Also, Patrick Stewart. I guess I have a thing for middle aged bald men. Good news for Eric as he is going bald) I agreed to the name Bruce. Before Bruce was born we were deciding between either Bruce or Wesley and apparently I want my son to grow up to be a hunky superhero or police officer. Several people have said, "What an old mans name for such a little boy." I guess that is true. Better then the reverse in twenty five years; a grown man walking around with a name that is only cute for a three year old. Or younger. Example: Percy. I LOVE the name Percy but Eric refuses. His sons will thank him someday, I am certain.
Anyhow, Bruce will be four months old in one week and while it is still early to observe his entire personality there are a few things we have noticed. First, he loves to be outside. If he is screaming for no discernable reason and we walk out the front door, the crying immedietly stops. He sort of hick ups and looks around and appears pretty happy. But, once he can tell we are about to go back inside he starts screaming louder then he did before. Also, any time he is in his baby backpack he is the happiest little traveler you ever did see.
Second, he is strong willed. Should we take longer then his allotted thirty seconds to fix whatever is wrong with him he will scream for an extra ten minutes to a half an hour just to let us know he is upset. It is impossible to distract him with something else, like a toy or a pacifier, if what he wants is to stand up.
Third, he would rather play than eat. Bruce lets us know when he is hungry but once he gets his bottle he is more interested in smiling and squeeling and grabbing my shirt then in finishing his meal. Should the bottle get taken away from his mouth he fusses until he gets it back, only to resume goofing around. Each feeding can take nearly an hour, bless his little heart.
Fourth, he loves his dad. Of course he loves his mom too but he really loves his dad. He refuses to take naps when his dad is home because he thinks it is time to play. Somedays he will be a complete grump until his dad gets home from work and then all the sudden he is having the best day ever. All smiles and squeels.
Fifth, he loves to cuddle when he is tired and ONLY when he is tired. I love cuddling my little baby and I have learned he will only tolerate doing so when it is time for his nap. Otherwise he has things to do and objects to chew on so get out of his way. Eric tells me I am the same way, minus the objects to chew on.
Sixth, he loves to move! He is the squirmiest baby, and strong too. There have been several times when he has hit me in the face and it hurts! Who knew a baby could be so strong? Plus, he has a hammer head. I have to make sure my two front teeth are not in line with his head because it hurts something fierce when he whacks his head back. Although, he does not seem bothered when his head hits my face, so I guess it is just my problem. :)
Being the mother to the cutest baby boy in the world is a lot of hard work. Fun, messy, loud, hard work.


  1. Yes it must be hard being the mother to the cutest baby boy in the world but you sure look good doing it!

  2. Bruce is such a manly name, and I want manly sons. Luckily I found some other manly names that Tristan likes. But if it were up to me our sons would be named Bruce, Sinbad, and Thor.
