My Motivation

My Motivation
My little Bruce Bug

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


    Today I am just writing whatever is in my head. I cannot think of a subject that I want to stick to so whatever comes to my mind is what is going in this post. Children. Child. My child. Cutest boy ever. Responsibility. Hmmm...that seems like a good starting point. I am a firm believer that one of the first responsibilities I have to Bruce is to teach him how to live a good life. First and foremost I want him to learn that if he wants something in life, whether it be his career or a family or developing a skill, he has to be willing to work for it. I remember the day my father taught me this lesson. I was sitting on our cream colored couch, staring at the soft green carpet and complaining about how I could not run very fast. I was a freshman in high school and I wanted to be faster than anyone on the track team. I was also not working as hard as others on the track team and expected that my pathetic efforts should give big returns. I was excusing myself by saying, "I am too big to be a runner, I get shin splints, other people are so much faster, I'm ugly, (not related to the running but I thought I would throw that in there anyway, since I was already complaining.") My father walked over from the doorway to the couch and sat down. He waited until I was done and then he looked me in the eye and said, "You can do anything you want. I know that because you are my daughter. You have to be willing to work hard and sacrifice, but you can do anything you want. Never expect anything to be handed to you or expect that it is any other person's job to give you what you want. Stop complaining." He then stood up, walked out of the room and went about whatever it was he was doing. Probably tinkering on his motorcycle in the garage.
    Since then I can say that most of the time I have worked hard and tried my best. I have never thought, "I can't do that." A more likely thought would be, "I could do that...but I don't want to put the work in to accomplish it." If I wanted to, I have no doubt in my mind that I could become a brain surgeon. Doing so would take an enormous amount of hard work and money but if I really wanted to, I would find a way.
     As I mentioned in the, "About Me," section of this blog I want to be a published writer. While writing a book is something I have always wanted to do having a child made me want to do so all the more. If I want Bruce to learn to pursue his dreams I better be willing to pursue mine. Of course, Eric and Bruce are my first priorities but there is plenty of time in the day to work on whatever I want to. Afterall, how much time do I waste on the internet? If I make better use of my time there is more than enough to write a book in a year. As I am typing this I realized I just gave myself a timeline to get my book done. One year. After I work out this evening I will sit down and write out mini goals within my one year timeline to assure the completion of my book. Once I finish the timeline I will post it on my blog so anyone who has an inclination to follow can  keep me honest. My baby needs tending to so the writing must end for now. I am an endless fountain of opinions and observations so expect plenty more posts in the future.


  1. I have no doubt that you will accomplish your goals. How fun that you're taking your readers along for the ride! Reading your blog will be a bright spot in my day. I'm so happy that you've started one!

  2. Good for you, Poof. Isn't it something that we both have a desire to write. I am so happy that you are not my children's book competition. You will be awesome, I know because you have been since childhood!

  3. i did not know that you like to write, add that to the lists of why I admire tessa. YOU seriously rock the socks off of me. Your amazing.
